Opinion Letters to the AmmoLand Editor
USA – -(Ammoland.com)- To the editor:
All the media covered the March for our Lives event. Conspicuously absent was Kyle Kashuv the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Student who visited the Oval Office, because he refused to be drowned out by the drum roll din of “we need to do something” symbolism over substance.
His opposing views did not fit the gun-control anti-NRA narrative.
SWAT trained, hero, armed Resource Officer, Deputy Blaine Gaskill; undoubtedly saved lives by neutralizing the Maryland Great Mills High School shooter. Proof positive of the NRA “good guy with a gun” theory becoming a reality.
Gaskill didn’t have a speaking slot as he didn’t fit the anti-gun narrative either. Yet we heard the chant, “NRA endorsed politicians have blood on their hands.”
Survivor student Emma Gonzalez stood in silence for 6 minutes, the amount of time the coward deputies hid behind their cruisers while 17 students were being slaughtered in the “gun free zone”.. And enough time for the dereliction of duty Sheriff Israel to prepare excuses for his and the Miami FBI’s ineptness.
The event funded by Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, George Clooney, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Planned Parenthood, Moveon.org had the blessing of Barack Obama and more Billionaires and Corporations.
Will they dismiss their heavily armed body guards? Don’t bet your scary looking Daisy B.B. gun.
Meadow Pollack, the Parkland student shot nine times did not have a voice. Neither did her dad Andrew Pollack get his wish to be the “voice of the last murdered kid” at the March. He was preempted, drowned out and marginalized along with those with other nonconformist opinions.
MLK’s 9 year old granddaughter related that she had a dream of “”enough is enough” implying “never again”.
Never again? …….until again happens again, until the hypocrite politicians get re-elected…again.
Michael Velsmid
Nantucket, Ma
24 Killdeer Lane. 02554