BHA President/CEO Appointed to Federal Sportsmen’s Advisory Committee

BHA’s Land Tawney joins Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council, charged with advising administration on conservation, hunting issues

Land Tawney
Land Tawney
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

Missoula, MT -( Backcountry Hunters & Anglers President and CEO Land Tawney has been appointed to the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council, a committee charged with advising the federal government and administration on issues relating to wildlife and habitat conservation and hunting.

Appointments to the 18-member council, whose members represent leading national sportsmen’s and conservation groups, were announced this afternoon by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. The council will meet next week in Washington to discuss trending policy developments relevant to the sportsmen’s constituency.

Tawney welcomed the opportunity to serve sportsmen and advance priority issues by engaging with the council and the administration.

“We are honored to bring BHA’s ethos to the table,” said Tawney, a lifelong sportsman and fifth-generation Montanan. “Public lands are a mainstay for all Americans and, in particular, those who hunt, fish and enjoy our backcountry lands and waters. I look forward to working with longtime colleagues and both secretaries to promote and protect our hunting heritage.”

Formed just over a decade ago by sportsmen committed to upholding North America’s backcountry and a boots-on-the-ground outdoor experience, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers has emerged as a leading voice for sportsmen’s values, conservation of healthy wildlife populations and the continued ability of the public to access and enjoy our wildest public lands, waters and wildlife.

Tawney’s appointment to the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council was welcomed by its members, who relished the hard work to come and the opportunity to engage with the administration on behalf of American sportsmen.

“Since its formation in 2010, the council has made specific recommendations to the administration that have guided the management of wildlife habitat and other natural resources – resources important not only to sportsmen but to all citizens,” said Howard Vincent, president and CEO of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever. “Public lands in the United States play a key role in our hunting heritage and in our continued ability to enjoy it, and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers has emerged as a critical advocate in support of those great American traditions. We welcome their participation in the council’s work.”

“I congratulate Land Tawney for his appointment to the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council,” said Steve Williams, president of the Wildlife Management Institute. “Land will bring his unique perspective to some of the nation’s most pressing conservation issues. I am sure that his expertise will provide an important voice for those of us who value our nation’s wild places.”

“Public lands are integral to mule deer and a host of other wildlife, as well as to America’s great outdoor traditions,” said Miles Moretti, president and CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation. “Council members have helped secure those lands – and those traditions – in the face of ongoing attacks. We look forward to the work ahead, and we welcome Land’s engagement resolving these challenges.”

Learn more about the council and its accomplishments.

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Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is The Sportsman’s Voice for Our Wild Public Lands, Waters and Wildlife.

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