Ballistic Shooting Tips: For Superior Accuracy, Easy On That Trigger!

Ballistic Shooting Tips: For Superior Accuracy, Easy On That Trigger!
Ballistic Shooting Tips: For Superior Accuracy, Easy On That Trigger!

U.S.A.-( Watch a group of shooters for a time, and you will likely see a range of problems with trigger mechanics. Some shooters “slap” the trigger, with the finger coming off and then slapping into the face of the trigger. Others might squeeze too tightly. In all cases, accuracy suffers–usually because the rifle is being jerked or twisted as the cartridge is going off.

According to Curt Vaughn, Head of Product for Ballistic and a long-range shooting competitor, the first thing a shooter must practice is easing back on the trigger.

“Pull on the trigger slowly and steadily, and directly back,” Vaughn said. “When the rifle goes off, it should come as a surprise to the shooter. This will help stop the flinch factor many shooters have when they anticipate the shot.”

How to engage that trigger? Vaughn recommends using the center of the front pad on your trigger finger. Practice pulling straight back, too. As Vaughn noted, “If the pressure is coming straight back on the trigger, a shooter avoids or at least reduces the chances of any twist or movement being applied to the rifle.”

“It’s not just about the trigger, either,” he adds. “It’s also how you hold the rifle with you trigger hand. You don’t want to grip the rifle tightly. This can create undue movement, even a bit of shaking. Instead, gently ‘feel’ the hold area. This will help you avoid inducing movement as well.”

Practice makes perfect, and dry firing can be a great benefit to improving your trigger mechanics.

Another tip: while dry firing, close your eyes and focus on how the trigger feels and your finger moves while you execute the squeeze. You will be surprised how much better you can “see” the trigger pull, when you don’t rely on your eyes!

Remember, good trigger discipline, combined with the Ballistic trajectory calculator will keep your shots on target, every time.

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About BallisticBallistic

Ballistic is the definitive ballistics trajectory calculator, intended for long-range and precision shooters who want a serious–and a seriously accurate–application. Ballistic will calculate your bullet’s trajectory, windage, velocity, energy, lead, and flight time for any valid range. The app can also compensate for atmospheric conditions such as temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and altitude–it can even accept density of air or density altitude inputs! The world-renowned JBM Ballistics engine powers all Ballistic computations. Ballistic is used by competition shooters, long-range hunters, and the military to deliver the most precise calculations possible.

With Ballistic, you’ll be able to make the most accurate calculations for every shot, everywhere, even in areas with no cellular coverage. For more information, please visit WWW.BALLISTICAPP.COM