Australia: Gun Shops Closed Because of Increase in Demand

Prominent Australian gunshop in Brisbane, Queensland image courtesy Dean Weingarten

U.S.A.-( In Australia, the various governments are using the coronavirus emergency to stop sales of firearms. One of the stated purposes of those who plotted to disarm Australians was to reduce the number of Australians who had guns. That was unsuccessful. More people have guns in Australia today than before the extreme gun laws were put in place in 1997.  The thinking that one purpose of gun laws is to reduce the number of people with guns continues.

During the current emergency, on 31 March, the Daily Mail quoted the national police minister. From

Police Minister Lisa Neville said at a press conference on Tuesday the number of people attempting to access firearms and ammunition had doubled.

The minister and the National Cabinet decided to pause the sales of firearms and ammunition for sporting or recreational purposes.

They fear an increased amount of weapons on the street would be dangerous as tensions rise and firearms may be stockpiled or accessed by criminals.

There is no suggestion the people who desired firearms were not obeying the law and following the intensely bureaucratic and slow process by which a person is grudgingly allowed to own a firearm in Australia, under tightly controlled conditions.  The government simply did not like the idea that more people were acquiring firearms.

The several different Australian states each approached the situation of the coronavirus a bit differently. In Queensland, gunshops and gunsmiths were labeled “non-essential”.  From


  1. These directions apply from the time of publication until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless they are revoked or replaced.
  2. A person who owns, controls or operates a non-essential business, activity, or undertaking in the State of Queensland, including operating at a private residence, must not operate the business, activity or undertaking during the period specified in paragraph 5, subject to the exceptions set out in Column 2 of the Definitions table at paragraph 7.

(snip) In the list of non-essential businesses are gunsmiths and gunshops:

          1. Licensed armourers and licensed dealers as defined under the

        Weapons Act 1990

Most of the businesses listed as non-essential have exceptions for a lower level of activity. For example, restaurants are allowed to do takeaway and home delivery. Hair dressers and barbershops are allowed to operate with no more than one person per four square meters. Golf clubs are allowed to operate outdoor activities with social distancing.

There are *no* exceptions listed for gun shops and gunsmiths. The various levels of the Australian government have made it clear the right of Englishmen to Arms has been destroyed by the English and Australian ruling elites.  In the current crises, there was no consultation with shooters. From

Consultation lacking, pest controller says

Ms Ridge described the ruling as knee-jerk and said the Government had failed to consult the pest control sector.

“We heard whispers of it on Saturday — yesterday we confirmed it through emails and phone calls,” she said.

The Australian state of Victoria echoed the reason for shutting down gunshops and gunsmiths was the demand figures. From

Victoria has announced new enforcements following the National Cabinet’s decision to put a temporary ban on additional access to firearms and ammunition across the country.

Police Minister Lisa Neville said the state had seen “a doubling of attempts to access firearms – category A and B – and also of ammunition” in the past week.

“We are concerned by those figures,” she told media on Tuesday.

Australia is a mostly socialist country today. It is only a few decades from when they had much more freedom with firearms than they do today. Up until the middle 1980s, promoting gun control beyond handguns was seen as the “third rail” of Australian politics. It was a good way to end your career.

Now, suggesting that access to guns is a good thing, is a way to be mocked by the national Australian media.

On a recent conversation with a friend in New South Wales, I asked him about the situation. He confirmed the lockdown on gun stores and gunsmiths. He added this little bit of information. Anyone caught traveling who did not have a satisfactory “essential purpose” was subject to a $1,000 fine. When my friend and his family emigrated to Australia in 1964, if you wanted a rifle and ammunition, you walked into the store with cash and walked out with the rifle and ammunition.

Australia has a written constitution. It does not have a written bill of rights.

About Dean Weingarten:Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.