Austin TX Gun Buy Back Criminals Welcome No Questions Asked

Austin TX Gun Buy Back Criminals Welcome No Questions Asked

Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights
Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights

Austin TX –-( Get ready to have your blood pressure rise.

News article is here:

These buyback programs stink because they are the perfect way to dispose of stolen guns without returning them to their rightful owners, and crime guns, because of the ‘no questions asked’ policy.

This is a wasteful use of police and public resources.

The public should demand answers to the following questions of Police Chief Acevedo:

  1. What will be done with the guns turned in? (Destroyed at considerable coast is the most likely answer-another incredible waste of dollars and perfectly good firearms).
  2. Will they all be checked to see if they are stolen, and their owners notifed? (If so, will you release the figures on how many guns were so identified as stolen and returned? We want verification).
  3. What is the source of funding for the Greater Austin Crime Commission and who at that organization decided this was a good expenditure of its funds?

If there are any local activists who want to organize gun rights owners against this event and/or pressure APD to return stolen guns, notify me.

Paul Velte

Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights is a grassroots politically active group that began as a rally at the Texas State Capitol on President’s Day, 1994, and we have been active ever since. We are citizens who are tired of the continual, piecemeal destruction of the right to own–and use–firearms and are doing something about it. Visit: