Audi’s ‘2NRA294’ Super Bowl Message to the NRA #StayUncompromised

By Fredy Riehl

AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( We have been flooded with questions from our readers as to what the license plate message “2NRA294” followed by the words, “compromise scares us too” meant in the recent Audi Superbowl commercial “Doberhuahua”?

Well after contacting everyone we could find at Audi USA, from Vice President & Chief Communications Officer, Joe Jacuzzi on-down, we finally received a call back from a Mrs James in Audi Customer service to tell us that the prominently featured license plate with 2NRA294 on it “means nothing and was chosen at random”.

Hmm? Totally at random?

Ok, then why did ABC’s Nick Watt’s recent video report “Super Bowl Ad Mania: Behind the Scenes See how Audi’s “Doberhuahua, Ad came to be” go into great detail about how every minute aspect of the ad was carefully scripted and edited. Nick is told by the video production company’s  James Allen, that they even had five people working on getting the Doberhuahua’s fur just right and yet you want us to believe that 2 seconds of a insanely expense commercial spot, with a licenses plate featured front and center,  was just left to random numbers and letters?

Does Audi Believe In the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
So with Audi basically giving us the equivalent of “No Comment”on the 2NRA294 plate, could it be that Audi’s real message to the millions of NRA members may be just that, “Don’t Compromise” on principles or values.

Recently Adui’s Loren Angelo, Audi of America’s director of marketing, told Marketing Daily when talking about the A3 ” the larger point is that there are no compromises in any of Audi’s cars” and “Audi has a strong social program installed both on Twitter — #stayuncompromised — and Snapchat this year.”

We we all know that being pro gun in today’s world can be a reason for the anti gun groups and main stream media to attack a large company such as Audi, so maybe they are keeping a low profile, but their message is clearly intended to catch the eye of viewers.

So I for one am going with the belief that they are telling the millions of  NRA members to hold strong on your belief in our right to keep and bear arms and as Audi’s hash tag says #StayUncompromised.

What do you think?