Atlanta Arms and Ammo Partners with Wounded Warrior Trevor Baucom

Atlanta Arms and Ammo Partners with Wounded Warrior Trevor Baucom

CW3 Trevor Baucom World Champion Shooter Doug Koenig
CW3 Trevor Baucom with World Champion Shooter Doug Koenig - and a young admirer
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Atlanta, GA –-( Atlanta Arms and Ammo, the leading supplier of match grade ammunition in the shooting industry, is proud to announce its partnership with wounded warrior Trevor Baucom as he prepares for an upcoming national level shooting competition.

Along with industry leaders Smith & Wesson and Safariland, Atlanta Arms and Ammo has taken a lead role in the development of Baucom as the Wounded Warrior ambassador to the shooting sports. Atlanta Arms and Ammo has been a supplier of match grade ammunition to many of the top competitive shooters in the world for over 20 years, and is now providing Baucom with the same quality products.

Chief Warrant Officer #3 (CW3) Baucom is a former Blackhawk helicopter command pilot and is currently pending a medical discharge from the United States Army. He was injured in a helicopter crash while on an assault mission during his fourth deployment to Afghanistan. The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.

During his rehabilitation, Baucom was introduced to the shooting sports by Shooting USA host, Jim Scoutten. With the help of members of the shooting industry, he immediately began training for competitive events.

His instructor, Billy Abbate of Atlanta Arms and Ammo, has been on the range with Baucom for many days of one-on-one shooting instruction. Abbate, one of the nation’s first competitive shooters to earn the classification of “Grand Master”, is a high ranking competitor in many shooting disciplines and possesses a vast amount of shooting experience. Abbate has witnessed Baucom’s growth as a shooter.

“Trevor has really developed a burning intensity to improve his shooting over a very short period,” said Abbate. “We are training for the upcoming Bianchi Cup in Columbia, Missouri. Trevor will be on the range, competing head-to-head against able-bodied competitors, and I am confident that he will have a great showing.”

Baucom’s competitive shooting debut will take place over Memorial Day weekend at the National Action Pistol Championship (Bianchi Cup) in Columbia, Missouri. The Bianchi Cup offers a challenging course of fire that requires precision, mistake free shooting. For someone like Baucom, who has been a recreational shooter in the past, the Bianchi Cup should be a new and exciting experience. Baucom will be shooting against some of the best marksman in the world, given that the “Cup” attracts shooters from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and many of the European countries.

August Sports Promotions is a Maryland/Washington, D.C. based sports representation agency that specializes in representing athletes from the outdoor sports. For more information on Trevor Baucom, please contact the offices of August Sports Promotions.