At Home and in Public – More Self Defense Gun Stories

We Drive Late at Night, and Trouble is Waiting- More Self Defense Gun Stories.
At Home and in Public – More Self Defense Gun Stories

U.S.A. – -( You probably didn’t see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again this week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Robyn Sandoval joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they well trained? (21-minute audio)

First story- Are you armed as you stop at a convenience store?

You and your friend are driving at about 10:30 at night. You pull over to use a convenience store. You go inside and your passenger stays in the car. You’re heading back outside when you see two men in a dark SUV pull up next to your car. They pound on the window and door and tell your friend to get out of the car. They point guns at your passenger.

You own a firearm. You have your Pennsylvania concealed carry permit. Tonight, you’re armed. You draw your firearm and shoot the carjackers. You hit one of the attackers in the chest. The other attacker dives back into his car and drives away.

You stay at the scene and call 911. EMTs transport your attacker to a local hospital where he dies. Your passenger is unhurt.

Second Story- Are you armed at home? (And here)

You are at home on a Tuesday morning taking care of your four year old daughter. You hear shouts and suddenly four armed men rush into your house. They attack you and hit you in the head with their guns.

You’re armed. The news story doesn’t say how, but you shoot all four of your attackers without getting shot. Now you scoop up your daughter and call 911. Your daughter is injured. EMTs take her to the hospital for treatment of a bullet wound. Police find two of your attackers dead at the scene. Two more of them were wounded and ran into the front yard. EMTs also take them to the hospital.

Third Story- Are you armed in public?

You’re selling an expensive pair of shoes. You find a buyer online. You agree to meet at a parking lot during the daytime and make the exchange. The buyer looks over the shoes. Instead of reaching for his wallet, the buyer pulls out a gun and points his gun at you. He demands the shoes and your wallet.

You own a handgun. You have your Maryland concealed carry permit. You’re armed today. You shoot your robber one time in the chest and your attacker drops his gun. You run across the parking lot and call 911.

Police arrive and take the gun away from your attacker. EMTs take your attacker to a hospital where he later dies. You stay at the scene and make a statement to the police. The article doesn’t say what happened to your shoes.

Fourth Story- Are you armed at home and as you travel?

Your friend is out of town and you’re house-sitting for him. It is about 10 at night when you hear loud banging coming from the back of the house. You open the back door and look outside. You see a stranger and ask him what he wants? The man has a hammer in his hand and he charges you.

You’re armed. You back up and shoot your attacker several times. Now your attacker stops. You set the gun down and call 911. You give a statement to the police. EMTs say your attacker died at the scene.

Links and text of the discussion at the podcast webpage.

About Rob Morse 

Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob was an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

Rob Morse