Houston Texas – A Good Samaritan with a gun stepped in to help a man who was being pistol-whipped by a suspected robber in southwest Houston, TX, according to the police.
It was later discovered that the suspect was wanted for murder in Louisiana.
The incident occurred at a Chase Bank on Westheimer Road when the victim pulled into the bank to withdraw money from the ATM. The armed suspect ambushed and demanded money from the victim. The victim reportedly began to comply until the suspect began to pistol-whip him. That’s when a passerby saw the crime happening and pulled out a gun to defend the now-injured victim.
Several shots were fired, and the good-guy-with-a-gun shot the suspect in the leg and foot. The suspect was taken to the hospital in stable condition. Investigators interviewed the victim and passersby, who were not harmed during the incident.
The suspect was identified as a wanted murder suspect out of Louisiana. The incident highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and taking steps to protect yourself.
In the zip code where the incident happened, there have been at least 103 robberies in the area in the last year, according to the local ABC13’s Safety Tracker website.
It is always important to be vigilant when withdrawing money from an ATM or walking alone at night. Here are some tips to help keep you safe:
- Be aware of your surroundings: Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to any suspicious activity.
- Avoid walking alone at night: If possible, avoid walking alone at night. If you must walk alone, have your carry-weapon on you and stick to well-lit areas. Avoid shortcuts through alleys or other secluded areas.
- Use ATMs during daylight hours: Try to use ATMs during daylight hours when more people are around. If you must use an ATM at night, choose one that is well-lit and located in a busy area.
- Don’t display cash: Avoid displaying large amounts of cash when withdrawing money from an ATM. Put your cash away before leaving the ATM.
- Train with your CCW Weapon: Practice or receive instruction on safely drawing your concealed carry weapon fast, and efficiently under stressful situations.
- Trust your instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and leave the area immediately.
The incident in southwest Houston serves as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings and take steps to protect yourself. By following these simple tips, you can help reduce your risk of becoming a victim of crime. This incident also highlights the importance of law-abiding citizens having the means to defend themselves and their loved ones. As crime rates continue to rise, it is crucial that Americans have increased ways to protect themselves and their communities.
This is one of the many stories that often go unreported by mainstream media, as it portrays a positive image of a law-abiding gun owner using their firearm for self-defense. As a responsible news outlet, it is our duty at AmmoLand News to bring these stories to our readers’ attention. Organizations like the Crime Prevention Research Center, headed by Dr. John Lott, are dedicated to studying the use of firearms in self-defense. To keep up with the latest news on self-defense, we encourage our readers to follow both CPRC and AmmoLand News.