U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- You probably didn’t see these stories covered by the mainstream news media, but again last week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor David Cole joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or did they have a plan?
First story- Do you have a firearm nearby at night?
It is a few hours before sunrise on a Wednesday morning. You are at home with your boyfriend and small children. You hear someone trying to enter your home. Your doors and windows are locked. You grab your gun and are out of bed when a man breaks one of your back windows and enters the home. You shout that you are armed, and the intruder leaves. You call 911. You are on the phone when the stranger breaks another window and enters your home a second time. This time he is armed. He enters your home and points a gun at your boyfriend’s head. You present your firearm and shoot the intruder. He drops his gun and you stop shooting. The attacker is your ex-boyfriend.
You and your family retreat. Police take your attacker’s gun. Emergency medical personnel declare your attacker dead at the scene. Neither your boyfriend nor your children are injured. You give a brief statement to the police. The sound of your attacker breaking the window and you shouting for him to stay outside was recorded on the 911 tape.
Second Story- Are you armed at work?
People under 21 years of age are not allowed inside, so your job is to check identification at the door of a marijuana dispensary. It is almost 8 at night when you see a stranger grab one of the dispensary employees in the parking lot. The attacker puts the employee in a chokehold and puts a gun to the employee’s head. The two want to enter the shop.
Are you robbing us, you ask?
This is a robbery, he answers.
You wait your turn and then present your firearm. You shoot the attacker. The employee drops down and then runs away. The attacker falls to the floor. You step back and make sure the attacker isn’t a threat. None of the customers or employees are injured. You and the manager call 911.
Police disarm the attacker. EMS declares your attacker dead at the scene. You show the police the parking lot security video from the dispensary and the video from the gun shop next door. You know they have video next door because you also work at the gunshop.
This is the 77th robbery at a marijuana dispensary in western Washington. 9 out of 10 robberies are by armed criminals. Some store clerks have been murdered during the robberies.
You and the other employee take a few days off work.
Rob- Third story- Are you armed as you drive for a ride-sharing company?
You are a female driver for Uber. You pull up to the downtown address to pick up your passengers. It is after midnight and you see a man push a woman to the ground. You hope that isn’t your customers, but they walk up and identify themselves. The man is extremely intoxicated and soon falls asleep as you drive.
You tell the female passenger that you saw what happened and that you are sorry. The man wakes up and slaps the female passenger. You tell him to stop and he hits you. You stop the car and tell him to get out of your car. He complies at first, but then he runs back at you.
You have your Florida concealed weapons license. You’re armed tonight. You shoot your attacker before he reaches you. Now he stops. You back up and call 911.
Police and EMTs arrive. EMS takes your attacker to the hospital with serious gunshot injuries. You tell the police what happened. The attacker is charged with assault and battery.
Fourth story- Are you armed at home late at night?
You arrive home after dark. You get out of your car and walk to the side door of your house. The door is locked. You don’t remember locking it, so you walk to the front of the house to go in the front door. That is when you see a man come out of your house and move toward you. He has a knife in his hands and is threatening you
You back away from your attacker, but he can move forward faster than you can back away. You own a gun. You’re carrying concealed tonight. You present your gun and shoot your attacker one time. You back up and your attacker stops chasing you. Now he stops. He falls and you call 911.
Police disarm your attacker and EMS takes him to the hospital. You tell the police what happened. You go inside your home with the police. You notice that some money is missing. The police don’t tell you if the robber had your money on him.
Later, you find out your attacker died in the hospital.
A discussion of each story is at the Self Defense Gun Stories podcast webpage.
About Rob Morse
Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, Clash Daily, Second Call Defense, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob was an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.