Arkansas GFC Wildlife Officers Clean Up ‘Trache on the Cache’

Arkansas Tires
Arkansas Tires
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission

AUGUSTA, Ark. -( Wildlife Officers with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission worked with partner agencies and volunteers to clean a “ton” of trash from the waters of the Cache River Wildlife Refuge Feb. 11.

“During Operation Trache on the Cache, we removed 35 bags of garbage and many more pieces of refuse from the refuge,” said Cpl. Jay Thomas with the AGFC. “It wasn’t restricted to small items either.”

In addition to smaller bits of trash, volunteers recovered 107 tires, three porta potties, a bathtub, a water heater, a refrigerator a couch and a large amount of scrap metal.

They even collected a kitchen sink to wrap things up properly. All of these items had been illegally dumped near the Bayou DeView Access on Arkansas Highway 306.

“In addition to being an eyesore and possible danger to people using the area, littering is a serious offense with possible fines up to $1,000,” said Thomas.

The AGFC would like to thank the following agencies, organizations and individuals for their valuable help in helping keep our outdoors clean: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arkansas Canoe Club, Woodruff County Sheriff’s Office, and Heath Kendrick and Clay Hollowell from McCrory School District FFA.

People interested in volunteering for future cleanup efforts are welcome to contact their local AGFC regional office and ask to speak to an enforcement officer or wildlife area manager over the WMA they wish to help.

A list of regional office phone numbers is available online.