Arizona Offers Extensive Hunting For Deer, Javelina, Quail, Duck & Rabbit – All In Season
By Doug Burt, public information officer
PHOENIX, AZ – -( Now that we’re into the new year, the Arizona Game and Fish Department wants to remind sportsmen and women that January offers a wide variety of hunting opportunities.
Getting back into the field can help you burn off some of those holiday treats as well.
The recent winter cold fronts provide the perfect conditions for hunting deer, javelina, ducks, geese, quail and rabbits.
Deer: Archery-only deer season runs through Jan. 31 with open areas throughout the state allowing the harvest of any antlered mule or white-tailed deer. Nonpermit-tags are required and can be purchased over-the-counter from Game and Fish or any license dealer.
Javelina: Archery-only javelina season runs through Jan. 20 and hunters have two options for a tag. Nonpermit-tags for metro and outlying units are available for purchase over-the-counter from Game and Fish and any license dealer. Additionally, leftover permit-tags for a number of surrounding units around the state are available from Game and Fish offices on a first-come, first-served basis.
Quail: Open through Feb. 6, Gambel’s quail populations are healthy in many of their traditional areas. Now is the time of the year when smaller family groups gather into larger coveys. Finding these coveys might take some extra walking, but the reward should be worth it.
Ducks: The mountain zone closes Jan. 16, but desert zone hunters have through Jan. 30. With the recent cold snaps, this is the time to get after ducks. Mapping out your quail hunting trips around tanks, water holes, streams, and river corridors can be very productive. To get the full duck hunting experience, put on some waders, throw out a dozen decoys and watch the skies for ducks on cupped wings.
Rabbits: The year-long season is good for cottontail rabbits and jackrabbits. Hunting for these wary creatures is fun, challenging, and never-ending excitement – not to mention they are both good in the cook pot.
Start the New Year off getting some exercise and taking part in an American tradition – go hunting.
For big game hunting information on deer and javelina, visit
For quail, rabbit and duck hunting information, visit