Arizona -( It’s nearly time for the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle drawing.
It’s also the time when constituents ask the Arizona Game and Fish Department to explain what the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle is and how it works.
The Arizona Big Game Super Raffle is a nonprofit entity that conducts a special raffle each year to raise money for wildlife conservation efforts. A volunteer board of directors made up of representatives from sponsoring organizations oversees the operation of the raffle.
Here’s how it works:
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission awarded one Special Big Game License Tag for each of 10 big game species—bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, antelope, buffalo, turkey, bear, javelina and mountain lion—to the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle for the purpose of being offered through the raffle.
People buy tickets for a chance to win one or more of the tags. Ticket prices range from $5 to $25 each, depending on species. There is no limit to the number of raffle tickets you can buy, and you can buy them by check or credit card, through the mail or online.
Winners will be able to hunt for 365 days almost anywhere in the state of Arizona between August 15, 2014 and August 14, 2014.
According to the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle’s website, the deadline for online orders is 10 p.m. on Sunday, June 29. Orders by mail must be received by Friday, June 27.
Every dollar raised for each species by the raffle is returned to the Arizona Game and Fish Department and managed by the Arizona Habitat Partnership Committee (AHPC) for that particular species. With input from local habitat partners across the state, as well as the input from the organizations involved with the fundraising, they collectively determine which projects will provide the most benefit to each species.
Remember, the deadline to buy raffle tickets online is Sunday, June 29. Raffle tickets ordered by mail must be RECEIVED no later than Friday, June 27.
About The Arizona Game and Fish Department
The Arizona Game and Fish Department mission is to conserve Arizona’s diverse wildlife resources and manage for safe, compatible outdoor recreation opportunities for current and future generations.