Anti-Gunners Downplay Gun Registry

Bloomberg’s ‘Trace’ Outed as Another Gun Control Group, iStock-1420114631
Daniel Funke, a USA Today writer, made it a point to try and protect the ATF and diminish an alert by Gun Owners of America (GOA) , iStock-1420114631

In an attempt to downplay the argument that through the ATF, the federal government is creating a gun registry to track gun sales, Daniel Funke, a USA Today writer, made it a point to try and protect the ATF and diminish an alert by Gun Owners of America (GOA). GOA warned gun owners that the Biden Administration would likely confiscate firearms if given a gun registry. Although the gun-grabbers like to gaslight Americans by pretending confiscation could never happen in America, logical-thinking people aren’t buying it. Gun confiscation has occurred in several countries and always leads to a loss of citizens’ rights and more government control. The disarming of citizens often leads to their demise.

In a USA Today article, our anti-gun friend Daniel Funke tried to support his claims that there is no gun registry with the following:

  • ATF retains records from federally licensed firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers that go out of business. The records include information about gun sales and transfers.
  • The records are stored as digital images that can’t be searched for identifying information. The repository is essentially a giant folder full of pictures of forms.
  • ATF can only access the records if a law enforcement agency asks for help tracing a gun linked to a crime.

Somehow, the gun-grabby Karen brigade over at USA Today, including Funke, who claims to be “a fact check reporter covering online misinformation,” think this debunks the claims that the government is creating a registry even after admitting in his own article that the IRS manages a database of 920,664,765 firearm purchase records. The only argument “Funke the Fact Checker” presents against the claims of a federal gun registry, is that “records are not stored in a searchable database or a format consistent with a registry.” You are supposed to believe that. The troubling thing is that the anti-gun mentality has cultivated the notion that any of this is acceptable at all. People who don’t know any better will consume any such anti-gun nonsense people like Daniel Funke feed to them.

Recently, a Montana gun shop was raided by 20 armed IRS Agents who confiscated 4473s which contained personal information from gun owners, including home addresses, social security numbers, and other sensitive data. The armed Agents occupied the gun shop for the entire day.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen told Breitbart News that the IRS seizure of gun owner documents is “extremely concerning” because it appears to “exceed” the search warrant that was issued, which “limited the scope of the search to financial records.” “These aren’t financial records, they’re records of lawful firearm purchases,” he said. “What the hell does the IRS need with 4473s? We know the ATF in Washington, DC is trying to scoop up as many of these purchase records as possible, and that’s what it looks like they’re trying to do here.” In this case, if the IRS was searching for a “gun linked to a crime,” why would they need more than the one 4473 form related to the person in question?

Anti-gun fear-mongering has reached an all-time high, and the tracking of firearms in America is not only acceptable but an achievement or “progress” in the minds of the political left. The 2nd Amendment does not say, “the right of the people to keep, and bear arms shall not be infringed, as long as the government knows where your guns are located.”

Our founding fathers never intended for the government to know who owned guns and the home addresses where they could be found. Their intent was the exact opposite. It was never any of the government’s business.

Not only are the gun grabbers publicly expressing their intent to track and trace firearms, but they are also using unique and clever strategies to get as many people on board with the violation of their fellow citizens’ rights. The latest is the “ghost gun” fear campaign. The “ghost gun” fear tactic is merely a strategy to convince those who don’t know any better that these evil, dangerous, untraceable firearms are lurking around every corner, just waiting to attack. “But don’t worry, those reckless Conservatives can be controlled, and the government can protect you from those scary ‘ghost guns’ if you just support legislation that would mandate the serialization of every firearm in America.”

The truth is over 95% of guns used in crimes are already traceable. So, what is their real intent? If they’re already able to trace criminals’ guns, what other guns could they possibly be interested in?

“Ghost gun” legislation leads to serialization. Serialization and Universal Background Checks lead to a gun registry and “Red Flag Laws” are the tool by which confiscations are executed. We all know where gun registration ends up despite what anti-gun, politically biased “fact-checkers” tell us.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos