Marion Hammer
Florida – -(AmmoLand.com)- In a 2/14/19 article by Julia Manchester posted on The Hill, the reporter says that, “The Giffords Law Center, a gun control advocacy group, found in a poll one month after the Parkland shooting last year that 69 percent of National Rifle Association members expressed support” for gun control.
That is FALSE. That statement and any claims by the Gifford gun control advocacy organization about polling of NRA members is patently untrue. Let me say that another way: in all probability, it is an intentional and calculated lie designed to deceive honest people.
For years, gun control advocates have been talking about bogus surveys that claim NRA members support gun control. The fact is that none of those surveys had access to the NRA’s membership list – EVER. They are intentionally misrepresenting NRA members’ views.
NRA’s membership list is protected and ONLY NRA can survey NRA members.
In the past, to expose these false claims by gun banners, NRA has commissioned national scientific surveys — 1,000 randomly selected NRA members across the country — and found that NRA members are united on Second Amendment issues.
Here are the REAL views of NRA members:
- over 92% oppose background checks on sales between private citizens.
- 89% oppose banning so-called “assault weapons”.
- 93% oppose gun registration.
- 91% SUPPORT laws to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental illnesses.
REMEMBER, the only legitimate surveys of NRA members in existence are surveys conducted by the National Rifle Association. PERIOD.
Anytime the gun banners or anti-gun media reporters start talking about surveys that show what NRA members believe, want, support, or think, you should immediately know it’s BOGUS – NOT TRUE.
When it comes to gun rights, remember, it’s more than guns it’s Freedom – and The Giffords Law Center is a gun control advocacy group formed for the purpose of creating, advocating for and passing restrictive anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment legislation.