Anti-Gun Senator Gronstal “Slaps” Iowa Gun Owners in the Face

Anti-Gun Senator Gronstal “Slaps” Iowa Gun Owners in the Face

(Senator Gronstal (at left) hurls hundreds of 2nd Amendment petitions to the floor in disgust. The papers are seen in the lower right corner moving so fast that the camera had a hard time capturing their motion. And no, the man sitting down and using a laptop is not a staffer who just 'missed' the throw.)
(Senator Gronstal (at left) hurls hundreds of 2nd Amendment petitions to the floor in disgust. The papers are seen in the lower right corner moving so fast that the camera had a hard time capturing their motion. And no, the man sitting down and using a laptop is not a staffer who just 'missed' the throw.)
Iowa Gun Owners
Iowa Gun Owners

Iowa –-( You have got to take a moment to learn about the outrageous conduct of State Senator Michael Gronstal in the Capitol yesterday in Des Moines. Senator Gronstal, who has an A+ rating from a national gun group and who even takes their PAC money, made it very clear yesterday what his views on the 2nd Amendment really are.

But you don’t have to just take our word for it – check out the pictures!

Iowa Gun Owners Betrayed!

Voters in the Council Bluffs and Carter Lake area today were slapped in the face by their State Senator, Mike Gronstal.

For a long time Senator Gronstal has told the voters in his district what he’s recently been telling representatives of Iowa Gun Owners: “I’m pro gun.”

Knowing that he says he’s pro-gun and knowing that he’s received an A+ endorsement from a national gun group, not to mention the fact that he took money from that organization, one would think that he would be quick to help us pass our REAL Right-to-Carry bill.

What a faulty assumption!

After approaching him two weeks ago to ask him for his direct support to move our Senate version of the REAL Right-to-Carry bill (S.F. 473) out of committee and onto the floor for a vote and getting a noncommittal answer, we approached him again today.

This time we brought with us hundreds of petitions that many of you signed at our gun shows in Council Bluffs (this is Sen. Gronstal’s district so these petitions were signed by his voters) or through the mail that you’ve received from us. We brought these to him to show him that you – the voters in his district – want him to represent you and support the 2nd Amendment.

We presented these petitions to him and respectfully asked him to help move this bill and guess what he did with your petitions: he threw them on the floor!!!!

That’s right; at the Capitol, in the rotunda, in front of a hundred people.

His actions spoke loud and clear on what he thinks of your 2nd Amendment rights. He thinks its trash – not even worth looking at!

Further, he made it very clear what he thinks of your right to petition the government for redress of grievance when he threw your wishes on the floor without even looking at them.

This is outrageous! Senator Gronstal may be the Senate Majority Leader and one of the most powerful men in Iowa, but he was put in that position by the voters of Senate District 50.

Please take a moment to express your frustration with his antics by using the pre-written email below. Also, if you would prefer to call him (or do both) feel free to call him at his office by calling 515-281-3901. You don’t have to be a resident of the Council Bluffs area to do this either. As the Majority Leader in the Iowa Senate, Gronstal has assumed the primary leadership position at the Capitol – contact him today.

IGO Executive Director Aaron Dorr (at middle right holding yellow petitions) speaks to Senator Gronstal.
IGO Executive Director Aaron Dorr (at middle right holding yellow petitions) speaks to Senator Gronstal.
After receiving another non-answer from the Senator, IGO Executive Director Aaron Dorr (at right) delivers a stack of hundreds of signed petitions to Senator Gronstal.
After receiving another non-answer from the Senator, IGO Executive Director Aaron Dorr (at right) delivers a stack of hundreds of signed petitions to Senator Gronstal.

Pre-Written Email

State Senator Michael Grontstal,

I find it outrageous that you care so little for the opinions of the voters of your district.

That you would actually throw our petitions on the ground and stomp off is the height of arrogance.

Regardless of the issues involved, when you are presented with signed petitions, from actual voters, I expect you to do the job you were elected to do and represent us.

I expect you to fight for our 2nd Amendment rights by moving SF473 out of committee and I also expect you to apologize to the members and representatives of Iowa Gun Owners and show more respect next time you are speaking with them.




Many of you have acted on our recent email alert and have done a fantastic job at letting the members of the House know that you do not support any compromised bill when it comes to your gun rights.

In fact, yesterday, when representatives of Iowa Gun Owners were talking with one State Representative for a few moments he received multiple emails on his cell phone from you! He said he gets a steady supply of IGO member communication.

Another State Representative told us that the pressure that Iowa Gun Owners has brought to bear at the Capitol this session has been ‘incredible’ and that we’ve been gaining ground steadily.

Thank you for that! This only happens due to the constant pressure that you are keeping on your elected officials.

As our recent article stated the sell-out Baudler bill (HF2255) was brought forth in committee yesterday. Your pressure helped us to generate much opposition to this bill proposal. In fact, Representative Dwayne Alons (R-4) made a courageous stand and led an amendment charge trying to replace the compromised bill with the REAL Right-to-Carry bill that would allow all Iowans who are not felons to carry without a permit. (Rep. Alons deserves your thanks for this and can be contacted by emailing this address:

Unfortunately we lost this vote 14-7, with members of both political parties voting both yes and no.

The good news here is that your contact with your elected officials has caused serious concern in both parties. Yesterday’s vote confirmed this when we saw Representatives who cosponsored this compromised bill vote in favor of amending that same bill in committee. They are feeling your pressure.

Now we have to prepare to halt this bill on the floor assuming that it does come up.

We will give you more updates when the time comes but please be prepared to call, email, and visit with your State Representatives and Senators when you get our alert.

In the meantime, more and more of you are contacting us wanting to come to the Capitol to express your outrage at your inability to carry a gun for self-defense.

If you would like to come down to the Capitol sometime please get in touch with us and we’d be happy to show you around.

Contact Us
You can contact us in the following ways:
Phone: 515/309-7858
Mail: P.O. Box 3585, Des Moines, IA 50323

Yours for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Iowa Gun Owners

Iowa Gun Owners (IGO) was formed in January of 2009 to combat the oppressive gun laws in the State of Iowa. IGO does not believe that you, as a law abiding citizen, should have to beg permission from the government to be able to defend yourself and your family. That’s why we are working so hard to get a Vermont/Alaska style carry law passed in Iowa. In these states, unless you are a convicted felon or otherwise barred from possessing weapons, you don’t need a permit to carry a gun for self-defense! Join us now! Visit: