Anti-gay Russian President Vladimir Putin is gonna’ lose his mind when he sees this


Putin enacted several laws infringing on the rights of LBGT.

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, doesn’t much like homosexuals, having gone so far as to restrict their legal rights in his home country. After Putin enacted a new law early in July, gay couples were banned from adoption.

That wasn’t enough for Putin, though. He also signed off on a law that allowed police officers to arrest tourists and foreign nationals if they suspected them of being homosexual, lesbian, or pro-gay, and detain them for up to 14 days.

And therein lies the irony of this picture.

In the Cyrillic alphabet, in Russian, an “H” is pronounced like an “N” in the English alphabet, but still maintains the look of an “H.”

Putin’s gonna’ lose his mind when he sees this.


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