A personal note from Brian Johnson of Ammoland.com
I want to thank everyone in the industry for all your emails of kind words and encouragement during this difficult time at Ammoland. Fred and I take our work very seriously and we pride ourselves in working hard and delivering important Firearms news to our readers every day. For those who have sent us news releases to be posted too the Ammoland news wire please be patient as we are dilligently working to return to normal operations.
Both Fred and I live at the Jersey Shore which was very hard hit by Hurricane Sandy. Both our towns were completely devistated by the winds, tidal flooding and massive volumes of sand which were moved off our beaches and onto our roadways, in some cases even homes are now located on roadways.
A short walk from my home is complete and utter destruction with homes and all their contents destroyed. Because we do not have internt access, television broadcasting or electricity those of us living in the disaster area do not know the full extent of the damage that you all on the outside have seen through major television broadcasts. My heart is heavy with the thought that my good friends and neighbors are suffering from this catostophic loss of their homes, possessions and in some cases family memebers.
I will tell you that much can be said of New Jersey residents, some good and some not so good. But in the town that I live Manasquan and the town that Fred lives in as well, we are small communities of exceptional people who work hard, raise quality children and do amazing things in our personal and professional lives. We are “Jersey Strong” and proud to be part of the Jersey Shore community. We will pick up the mess, shovel out the sand, stand together and help those who need food, medicine, ice, gasoline, electric and the necessities that make our community a worth while place to raise a family. We will rebuild a better Jersey Shore, It will be differnt but it will remain the Jersey Shore.
Please know that Fred and I and our families are fine. We are helping our neighbors clean up and were doing what is needed here at home to make our communities whole again. We will return shortly to the work of broadcasting Firearms news and I hope too share with you some of my experince from Hurricane Sandy in the future.
FYI, I am staying in place so that I can cast my important vote on November 6th and I hope that you all will do the same.
Brian Johnson
Founder, Ammoland.com