FREE 2A Flashmob Patch for all our Twitter followers.
Manasquan, NJ –-( AmmoLand Shooting Sports News just plowed over the 30,000 follower mark on Twitter and now we want to reward everyone of our supporters with a FREE 2A Flashmob Patch.
“As with any social media platform it is the friends and followers that so generously allow us to feed our Positive Pro Gun News feed to their pages. Then you guys blow it up by pushing or brand of news all over the web. We can not Thank our followers and supporters enough” says Fredy Riehl Editor of
“Now we want to pay it back to our 30,000+ followers with a Free 2A Flashmob Patch for each and everyone one of our supporters.”
The 2A Flashmob is people like you and me, people who get off their couches, take time off from work, and spend their free hours fighting to push back against progressives and liberals who working to gut the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.
Anyone that is a current Twitter follower can send us a self addressed stamped envelop to the address below and we will send you back your very own 2A Flashmob Patch for being one of our followers on Twitter.
What? Not Yet a follower? Well, you can still get yourself a 2A Mob patch by liking our Twitter account with the easy to use “Like Button” below. Then send us a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope to the address above.
About AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, the web’s leading Shooting Sports News Service for the Ammunition, Firearms, Shooting, Hunting and Conservation communities. Visit: