
American Handgunner Magazine Custom Gun Giveaway

American Handgunner Magazine Custom Gun Giveaway
A customized XD in .45 ACP from the Springfield Armory Custom Shop goes to the lucky winner.

Springfield Armory Custom .45 ACP Handgun
Springfield Armory Custom .45 ACP Handgun
American Handgunner Magazine
American Handgunner Magazine

San Diego, Calif. –-(Ammoland.com)- A Custom .45 ACP from the Sprinfield Army Custom Shop is up for grabs as part of American Handgunner’s July/August gun giveaway.

The prize gun started life as a stock XD and was then finely tuned by Springfield’s Custom Shop. The winner will enjoy the features of the XD, enhanced with custom touches from the Custom Shop pistolsmiths, resulting in a high-quality, high-performance package, valued at more than $1,200.

“Since announcing the XD, Springfield has continued to refine the platform, and the entire XD series has become wildly popular with law enforcement and citizens,” said Roy Huntington, American Handgunner publisher.

“This customized XD in .45 ACP from the Springfield Armory Custom Shop, takes an already top-notch fighting pistol to another level.”

The March/April edition of American Handgunner received nearly 11,000 entries, and one fortunate handgun enthusiast walked away with a Smith &Wesson Performance Center .45 ACP Thunder Ranch Revolver Package.

Participants may enter online at www.americanhandgunner.com. To complete registration, readers must answer a quick, three-question survey, as well as fill out contact and FFL Dealer information. Entry deadline is Aug. 31, 2010. No purchase necessary to enter. Visit the website for complete entry details and restrictions.