American Conservatives – Let Us Prepare For What Seems Inevitable

I will Not Comply Rebellion Free Speech
American Conservatives – Let Us Prepare For What Seems Inevitable

USA –  -( Let us prepare for what seems inevitable.

Sadly, no Thomas Jefferson has appeared among us (yet) to articulate and encourage the Constitutional faithful and our message wide and far enough to shut these fools down.

With subversive scum like George Soros, the morons in the entertainment industry and the willing idiots in the media pushing this insanity, our resistance to this plague of lies, distortion, and hostage-taking of ignorant youth has to be strengthened and elevated nation-wide.

Look – I am an example of a full-on American patriot, a Marine wounded-warrior and now retired federal officer, which means I’ve sworn that Oath twice in my life.

I am NOT a member of the NRA, but you can rest assured a staunch Constitutionalist, including an unabridged Second Amendment.

I am prepared for any possible future as regards to this onslaught on our nation and our rights.

I want many more of you, whether having served, fought, or simply are a loyal American, to begin to stand up, be articulate, put forward logical and sensible arguments, and give these ignoramuses some lessons in truth and honesty..

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor
Letters to the AmmoLand Editor: Got something on your mind? Let us know and you can see it here.

If they choose to persist in the deceit, so be it, we have made our position clear, period. The United States Constitution stands as is, UNLESS a Constitutional Convention is convened to act on it lawfully, unlikely.

As for former justice (small “j”) Stevens, his wisdom is lacking, his reasoning is flawed, his significance is, well insignificant.

And there it is.

Timothy V.
Springfield, OR