ALERT: CA Legislature Returns to Wreak Havoc

California Sacramento Capitol Building IMG CRPA
California’s Sacramento Capitol Building where countless liberties go to die.

U.S.A. -( Gun owners of California released the following statement regarding the reopening of California in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.

We’ve got some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that some folks are returning to work TODAY in California.

The bad news is that it’s the Legislature.

Until today, members of the Senate and the Assembly have been absent from the Capitol because they did not qualify as “essential”. (We could have told you that!) And now, in the midst of our tanking California economy, they have now declared themselves “essential.”

This is where the bad news comes in. Because of their absence, they have not been able to hold committee hearings on legislative bills since March 16, which meant no anti-gun bills had moved forward – this was good. BUT it also meant that the legislative timeline to pass (or kill) bills were massively shortened, which will naturally result in an equally massive train wreck of scheduling and logistics. It’s coming and it’s going to be UGLY.

It will bust open the door for shenanigans as we have never seen.

GOC fully expects both the Senate and Assembly to waive every rule imaginable to make sure their pet bills are heard – and passed. All semblance of transparency and open government will go out the window…and they will use the pandemic to bulldoze gun owners every way they can. If they operate like this under normal circumstances, why would they switch things up now?


The Legislature has published a long list of “required practices” when hearings resume. GOC doesn’t dispute that safety measures must be followed, but as is always the case, the devil is in the details. Will full testimonies be permitted? How will witnesses be selected? Will the public be able to participate, and if so, how? Experience is the best teacher, and ours tell us the libs will use COVID-19 to ram through a lot of knee jerk stuff – which will include gun control legislation.

No Leftist has ever let a crisis (or pandemic) go to waste. GOC knows the ins and outs of the Legislature like no other – and we use whatever tools we have at our disposal to make gun owners’ views known.

The truth is on our side – not a single anti-gun bill will stop a single criminal from committing a crime.

Gun Owners of California LogoAbout Gun Owners of California:
Founded in 1975, GOC is the oldest pro-gun political action committee in the United States of America, having been at the forefront of the battle since assaults on the 2nd Amendment began. It is a 501(c)4 non-profit and operates exclusively from membership contributions and donations. Visit for more information.