AKTI Will Now be Releasing The Latest News For The Industry Exclusively on AKTI.org

SOG Production Series of Kiku Knives
SOG Production Series of Kiku Knives
American Knife and Tool Institute (AKTI) Logo
American Knife and Tool Institute (AKTI)

USA-  -(Ammoland.com)- Insiders, as well as casual fans will gain insight into what’s happening within the knife and tool industry thanks to a new authoritative resource.

The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) has launched a specialized new section at its popular website (www.AKTI.org) dubbed “Industry News.”

The addition is designed to offer the latest news in a timely fashion from sporting knife and tool companies to the members of the close-knit knife community.

While many websites provide knife product reviews and press releases, some are filled with advertising and personal opinions. AKTI’s “Industry News” focuses on what’s happening within the industry and its larger general knife community to provide a curated central resource of accurate information. News summaries, whenever possible, will link to the original source, such as a manufacturer’s website.

News items include knife company announcements, new product lines, employment opportunities, employee news, achievements and awards, and much more. Recent offerings included:

  • – “Kershaw, Buck, Benchmade and Smith and Wesson make list of Best Pocket Knives of 2015”
  • – “Daniels Family Keeps Queen Cutlery Tradition Going”
  • – “Puma Knives Made in Spain Now Available in the U.S.”

The Industry News section can be found at http://www.akti.org/news/industry-news/ or by clicking on to the News tab on the Home page and then selecting Industry News on the left menu.

“AKTI is pleased to provide the knife communities’ news,” said Executive Director Jan Billeb. “Our website will help keep visitors posted on the highlights and happenings in the industry.”

Member companies and others who wish to have news items included should email information to: communications@akti.org. When possible, a link to the original article should be included.

About AKTI: The American Knife & Tool Institute is the non-profit advocacy organization for the knife industry and all knife owners. Its mission is to ensure that Americans will always be able to make, buy, sell, own, carry and use knives and edged tools. Formed in 1998, AKTI is dedicated to educating, promoting and providing relevant and accurate information about knives and edged tools as important tools in daily American life. For more information, visit AKTI.org