AKTI Supports New Hampshire’s Knife Rights Bill Efforts

AKTI Supports New Hampshire’s Knife Rights Bill Efforts

American Knife & Tool Institute
American Knife & Tool Institute

New Hampshire –-(AmmoLand.com)- Rep. Jennifer Coffey, an EMT and New Hampshire representative, has bipartisan and multi-organizational support for a bill (HB 1665) which she recently introduced in the New Hampshire legislature.

This bill will end the 1955 state ban on the carry of “switch knives”, stilettos, daggers and dirks.

In 1992, New Hampshire legislation ended the ban on gun canes and sword canes that was a part of that same law. HB 1665, if passed, will keep law-abiding citizens from being criminals for carrying knives they use as tools in their everyday lives.

Visit Rep. Coffey’s website www.knifelawonline.com, read her petition, and make a contribution to her efforts if you can, particularly if you live, work or travel in New Hampshire.

AKTI will be providing documentation for her presentation before the New Hampshire Senate in a few weeks.

Jan Billeb
Executive Director
American Knife & Tool Institute

AKTI – The American Knife & Tool Institute represents the entire knife community and all knife owners as we have since 1997. We have successfully won every legislative effort so far. AKTI continues its mission to “Keep Knives in American Lives” Visit: www.akti.org