AGFC wildlife officers gear up for Operation Dry Water

AGFC wildlife officers gear up for Operation Dry Water
AGFC wildlife officers gear up for Operation Dry Water
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission

LITTLE ROCK-( Wildlife officers across Arkansas and the U.S. are gearing up for Operation Dry Water – a public outreach effort to bring awareness to boating under the influence. The nationwide event will take place June 24-26.

During Operation Dry Water, law enforcement officers at local, state and federal levels will be on heightened alert for those violating boating under the influence laws.

Boating under the influence is such a concern, it is treated identically to someone who is caught driving a car while intoxicated.

“According to Arkansas law, you can lose your driver’s license if caught boating under the influence,” said Stephanie Weatherington, boating law administrator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. “There’s no difference between driving a car under the influence and driving a boat under the influence. When you’re driving, you’re putting yourself and others in danger.”

The awareness and added penalties may be having an effect. According to Weatherington, AGFC wildlife officers made 19 BUI arrests, 30 less than in 2014.

“So far this year we’ve had five BUI arrests, but statistics show that the Fourth of July holiday weekend is the most dangerous weekend during the boating season.”

For more information on Operation Dry Water, please visit