FERNANDINA BEACH, FL. –-(Ammoland.com)- Insights into the needs, motivations, habits and purchases associated with the self- and home-protection market for firearms and accessories are now available. Released by Southwick Associates in conjunction with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), this infographics-based report will help companies better target their marketing and identify products and services with greater appeal to protection-oriented consumers.
“Protection-oriented firearm owners represent two-thirds of total spending in the market,” said Nancy Bacon, Vice President at Southwick Associates. “With a significant amount of these consumers having little understanding of firearms, it’s imperative that businesses understand how to best connect with them. The reasons why they decide to finally buy – and why they choose one product over another – are much more than just price and ‘keeping my family safe’.”
Covering both long guns and handguns, the protection-oriented market provides significant growth potential. Compared to the hunting and recreational firearms markets, the protection-oriented market is much more likely to be first-time owners, female, younger and more ethnically-diverse. People who maintain a firearm for protection purposes spend 52% more annually on equipment, accessories and services versus non-protection-oriented firearm owners. (View the infographic).
The At-Home and Away-From-Home Protection Market for Firearms is a supplement to the previously-released Consumer Segmentation Analysis of the U.S. Commercial Firearms and Accessories Market report. Along with other supplemental reports covering the modern sporting rifle and handgun markets, this series of reports examines the demographics, activities, motivations, needs, purchase drivers and shopping habits of those who own or would like to own a firearm and accessories for protection purposes. Designed to help companies better understand the different factors that motivate consumers to buy different types of firearms and why they select specific models, these reports highlight the unique differences across different types of firearm consumers.
“With 24 million Americans interested in buying their first firearm, and millions of current firearm owners purchasing in part for protection, this information will help businesses better understand this important segment,” reports Jim Curcuruto, NSSF’s Director of Research and Market Development. “To help increase use of this important information, NSSF members receive a discount on these reports and related custom research through Southwick Associates.”
For more information and a sample report, visit www.southwickassociates.com. To purchase the report, contact Lee@SouthwickAssociates.com. To inquire about custom segmentation research or insights, contact Nancy@SouthwickAssociates.com.
About Southwick Associates
Southwick Associates is a market research and economics firm, specializing in the hunting, shooting, sportfishing, and outdoor recreation markets. For more than 25 years, Southwick Associates has established a proven record for delivering comprehensive insights and statistics assisting business and strategic decisions across the entire outdoor industry; from government agencies, industry associations and non-profit organizations, to affiliated businesses and manufacturers. Aside from custom market research, Southwick Associates also provides syndicated participation, media consumption and equipment purchase tracking studies utilizing their proprietary sportsmen panels.