ABOLISH the Adirondack Park Agency NOW!
New York – -(AmmoLand.com)- The Adirondack Park Agency has destroyed the natural resources, ecology, and history of the Adirondacks.
It is a dictatorship of criminals, pornographers, and terrorist supporters. This has been exposed to daylight with the criminal actions of Stiles, the illegal collusion with the eco-terrorist groups and the staffs’ tactics of blackmail, harassment, extortion, and intimidation.
Since 1971 the Adirondack Park Agency has proceeded on an agenda to destroy the natural resources and people of the Adirondacks. They started by banning snowmobiles hauling lime into remote waters, thus murdering our brook trout into near extinction. They have destroyed fire towers and our history. The Adirondack Park Agency has destroyed family dreams, building projects, etc; even when there was no threat to the environment, or no law or regulation preventing these projects. These Adirondack Park Agency criminals, driven by their personal agendas and ties to eco-terrorist groups, continue to strive for genocide of the local people; to eliminate private property ownership throughout the Adirondacks.
All Adirondack Park Agency decisions have been baseless and punitive subject to the whim or fancy of an idiot employee and eco-terrorist supporting commissioners. One has only to remember Tony D’Elia, Dr. Vincent Vaccaro, Tim Jones, Shania Twain, Sandy Lewis, Leroy Douglas, John Maye, Arthur Spiegel, Keith Altarac and dozens of others to see the corruption, extortion, harassment, and intimidation these Adirondack Park Agency scum have perpetrated.
The APA has discriminated against the handicapped and disabled, especially our disabled veterans, since 1971. The APA has continued to violate the Americans with Disabilities Law and deny veterans and others access to state lands and waters. One has only to mention Lows Lake, banning of float planes, banning of ATV’s, banning of motorboats, closing of roads to motorized vehicles, etc. to see their contempt for disabled Americans.
Recent events have called attention to the illegal activities and collusion of APA members with these eco-terrorist groups. E-mails, letters, etc. have come to light. State law forbids agency members involved in a hearing to communicate about a case. Yet Cecil Wray and others appear to have done this with the Adirondack destroying Adirondack Council Officials. Other former members of the Adirondack Council Curt Stiles and Dick Booth actions are also questionable. Recent lawsuits by these eco-terrorist groups also bring questions of illegal actions by the Adirondack Park Agency members.
How is it that not-for-profit, tax-exempt organizations can be given standing and bring lawsuits while the Local Government Review Board, Local Government Administrations, Property Rights, and others are not? Why has AG Cuomo and Gov. Patterson not taken action to strip the Adirondack Council, Adirondack Mountain Club, Resident Committee to Protect the Adirondacks, Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, and Protect the Adirondacks of their tax-exempt status, not-for-profit status, and demand full payment of all taxes back to the date they filed papers with the state?
Their actions clearly violate the conditions of their 501 tax exempt status. Time to demand AG Cuomo and Gov. Patterson investigate these groups and their APA confederates.
The State Land Master Plan violates the State Constitution. Article XIV clearly states all forest preserve lands shall be forever kept as “Wild Forest.” All other classifications (wilderness, etc.) and their restrictions are in violation of Article XIV. The Forest Preserve Law guarantees free use of all roads and waters on forest preserve lands. All closing and restrictions are in violation of this law. Adirondack Park Agency decisions are all contrary to State Statutes and cannot be justified. The APA is in violation of State Law. The APA is further in violation by trying to create and enforce laws of its own.
Every Adirondack Park Agency Commissioner, past and present, should be arrested and jailed for their actions. The criminal actions of Stiles by trespassing through a gate, driving 5 miles down a closed private road to a closed campgrounds, and illegally camping on state land cannot be overlooked. Nor can Stiles’ illegal boathouse. Where is Cuomo’s and Patterson’s ethic committees and police officials, and why has Stiles not been arrested and jailed. Is this another Spitzer, Cuomo, Patterson example of being above the law?
The Adirondack Park Agency has done nothing for the local people and local government except harm them. It has destroyed the Adirondack history, ecology, and economy. Local government can do their own planning, zoning, and environmental control better; and without these APA criminals, pornographers and terrorists.
Give local government jurisdiction over all private property; and the DEC over all state property. ABOLISH THE APA NOW!
Adirondack Conservation Council