A Visit with Stacy Foster – This Week on Gateway Outdoors Radio

A Visit with Stacy Foster – This Week on Gateway Outdoors Radio
A Visit with Stacy Foster – This Week on Gateway Outdoors Radio
Gateway Outdoors Radio
Gateway Outdoors Radio

Pennsylvania -(AmmoLand.com)- Stacy Foster’s love for timber rattlesnakes has led her into an exciting career as a Certified Timber Rattlesnake Construction Monitor, and venomous snake handler.

From the rugged mountains of northcentral Pennsylvania where transmission pipelines are being set into the ground, to any other type of construction site where the Timber Rattlesnake is where this young lady can be called to. Once on site she evaluates the situation, then determines what should be done in the best interest of the Timber Rattlesnake resource.

In addition to her normal day at the office, monitoring “rattlers,” Stacy conducts education programs. This week Stacy will share with us the truths, myths, and misconceptions about the Timber Rattlesnake.

The program airs on Monday, September 12th 2016. Gateway Outdoors is heard every Monday at 6 PM on Connect FM 96.7 and 107.9 FM, live streamed on the Internet, and archived at www.connectradio.fm.

“Gateway Outdoors Radio, the next best thing to being there”