Pennsylvania -( Just in time for, and well in advance of the big game seasons, Robin Sharpless of Redding Reloading shares with us what to consider when learning how to reload your own ammunition.
Robin will provide tips and techniques for the beginner and seasoned veteran alike.
Redding Reloading has a long history of innovation, and development of unique and patented products which may be used to produce the finest and most accurate hand loaded ammunition possible.
Products produced by Redding are American made in Cortland NY using American Steel, castings from Pennsylvania, tooled with machinery made in the USA.
The program airs on Monday, August 15th, 2016. Gateway Outdoors is heard every Monday at 6 PM on Connect FM 96.7 and 107.9 FM, live streamed on the Internet, and archived at
“Gateway Outdoors Radio, the next best thing to being there”