Pennsylvania -( Every sportsman has an opinion and, given the opportunity, is willing to express their thoughts.
In every issue of the PA OUTDOOR NEWS a feature titled the “Sounding Board” comprised of answers on a given topic reflecting the views of six individuals.
This week Mark Nale, who is one of the publication’s staff, explains how the feature was developed, and how and where the interviews are conducted. We also learn how the questions to be asked are chosen.
While many of the questions are serious, Mark also shares a number of lighthearted moments while interviewing sportsmen from all walks of life.
The program airs on Monday, March 14th, 2016. Gateway Outdoors is heard every Monday at 6 PM on Connect FM 96.7 and 107.9 FM and live streamed on the Internet and archived on the Connect FM web site
“Gateway Outdoors Radio, the next best thing to being there”