A Visit from Ed Fisher; Founder of LEEK – This Week on Gateway Outdoors Radio

A Visit from Ed Fisher; Founder of LEEK - This Week on Gateway Outdoors Radio
A Visit from Ed Fisher; Founder of LEEK – This Week on Gateway Outdoors Radio
Gateway Outdoors Radio
Gateway Outdoors Radio

Pennsylvania -(AmmoLand.com)- This week Ed Fisher, founder of LEEK discusses the wide variety of outdoor recreational activities in an accessible and supportive environment for wounded veterans.

LEEK Hunting and Mountain Preserve is a 256-acre property, located in Oswayo, PA dedicated to providing outdoor hunting opportunities for Wounded Warriors.

The program airs on Monday, March 21, 2016. Gateway Outdoors is heard every Monday at 6 PM on Connect FM 96.7 and 107.9 FM and live streamed on the Internet and archived on the Connect FM web site www.connectradio.fm.

“Gateway Outdoors Radio, the next best thing to being there”