A Virginia Gun Owner’s Guide to Absentee Voting

Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Covington VA –-(Ammoland.com)- Please take a minute or two to read this important guide. Your right to keep and bear arms may depend on it.

Michael Bloomberg’s carpetbagging minions are hard at work registering Virginia gun grabbers for absentee ballots. Virginia gun owners must do the same, and must vote in greater numbers, if the forces which would take freedom away are to be held at bay for another election.

If we don’t, we may spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the Old Dominion, when Virginians were armed and free.

Virginia election law makes absentee ballots available to voters who cannot be present at their polling place on election day.

The law also allows absentee ballots for those who would be substantially burdened by the need to be physically present.

Voting absentee is easy, and requires only three steps:

  • 1. Print and submit an absentee ballot application before the deadline at 5PM on October 29th 2013.
  • 2. Complete and return your absentee ballot once it is mailed to you. Ballots must be received by 7PM on election day.
  • 3. Encourage EVERY GUN OWNER YOU KNOW to do the same – and remind them every few days.

You may download the absentee ballot form at the following link:


[RR Note: Select one of the following two sections depending on your requirements]

[Section 1]

Gun owners may submit absentee ballot requests for all three VCDL-PAC endorsed candidates at www.VAGOPAbsentee.com

[End Section 1]

[Section 2]

If you choose to support a political party, your party provides resources to follow-up on your ballot request and ensure it is processed, received, and counted.

Contact the appropriate party or candidate for further assistance.

[End Section 2]

The party will ensure your request is processed and acted upon by obtaining daily lists of absentee ballots sent and received from each local registrar.

Gun owners should not gamble with your vote. If you qualify, then you should submit an absentee ballot, as failing to plan is planning to fail.

Our liberties, among which we count the right to vote, were won through the ultimate sacrifice of American servicemembers. Don’t trivialize this important right by losing it to traffic congrestion on the way to the polls. Supporters of political parties will also be assisting their party in its election day efforts by clearing themselves from the need-to-vote supporter list, allowing Get Out The Vote resources to be focused on other potential voters.

You may personally monitor the status of your absentee ballot online to ensure it is received and counted.

Who is eligible to cast an absentee ballot?

Common reasons include:

  • You are commuting and working 11 or more hours combined on election day.
  • You will be outside your city or county of residence, for either personal or business reasons, on election day.
  • You are a first responder (law enforcement, firefighter, paramedic, or search and rescue)
  • You are an active duty servicemember in the armed forces or merchant marine.
  • You are disabled or ill, or the primary caregiver for a disabled or ill family member confined at home.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You have a religious obligation according to your own beliefs, practices, and customs.
  • You are working the election, whether as an election official, or an authorized representative of a candidate or party (includes poll watchers).

This list is not exhaustive. Please see the absentee ballot application form for a full list of eligibility criteria.
If you have any questions please contact your local voter registrar.

From now until election day, Virginia’s gun owners must remind every gun owner they know of the upcoming election, its importance, and the need to vote.

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit: www.vcdl.org