Buffalo, Missouri- -(Ammoland.com)- “There are days when you can really understand what wildlife habitat is all about because you can see it happening.
When you can link it to community service and support, well, it’s a home run” proclaims Craig Alderman, Executive Director of the Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF).
“Like all our involved landowners we have a long term habitat plan to establish a model display area here at our national headquarters which includes the establishment of a 50 acre Oak Savannah.
That is not easily done as the stem count, number of trees per acre is very high so it is a massive undertaking. Because of the high volume of oaks to be removed, we completed phase 1 with about 10 acres and had 80 to 85 % of all trees thinned out. It left a significant amount of good wood on the ground and a true task of immediate cleanup” explains Alderman.
On New Year’s Eve morning at 7 AM, in a joint effort with the Dallas County Emergency Recovery Unit, church volunteers, QUWF members and Louisburg Firefighters, 55 total, with 30 chain saws, a logging truck, 6 each 16 foot trailers, 4 splitters, a dozer and loader nearly 40 cords of donated firewood was removed for a total of approximately 60 cords of prime oak wood from phase 1.
“Because of QUWF, we are able to provide firewood to needy families in the area, cut split and delivered” stated Kyle Schwanke, Coordinator of the Unit.
“This is a huge benefit to our community and thanks to the planned fire roads the donated firewood is easily accessible, which is very good for our volunteers. Further, we are helping create a wonderful wildlife showcase area. With the quail all ready back on this property now we are helping address a ruff grouse opportunity as well” points out Kyle.
“We will assist QUWF in the subsequent phases to remove firewood, help clean up limbs and branches and burn the brush piles, this is a huge win-win for all of us and great for our volunteers to see” observes Kyle “Now we took it up a notch as we help neighbors and generations of wildlife through habitat”.
5 loads of firewood were delivered that day to families who had run out of wood through a local Ministry managing the program. Several trailer loads of logs had previously been taken by local farmers needing firewood as well.
“None of this would be possible without the Missouri Department of Conservation’s Wildlife Habitat Incentive program, Robert Ziehmer, Director working through the local Buffalo Bob Chapter which provides cost share to get the trees cut mechanically. Because of the huge volume manual removal is nearly unthinkable, but with a tree sheer, dedicated volunteers and a dedication not only to wildlife but to the community, a wonderful result came to pass on New Year’s Eve 2011” states Craig.
Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation, Inc., a tax exempt 501(c)(3) conservation organization, serves its members and chapters nationwide, providing a strong local source of habitat focus on quail and upland wildlife and population recovery. Millions of dollars of habitat work have been completed by its members over the years on thousands of acres of both private and public lands, now that work continues with a renewed vitality. Our chapters from coast to coast, provide the grass roots, local habitat work that is making a difference each and every day. For more information or to join QUWF please visit our website at www.quwf.net.
The post A NEW YEARS Eve Habitat Party Brings a Special Ending to 2011 appeared first on AmmoLand.com.