USA -( I think it is safe to say that many Americans can easily get swept up in the moment of an event like Hillary Clinton’s presidential nomination acceptance speech and miss the real magic act stage-crafted by the Main Stream Media (MSM).
Now certainly the Democratic National Party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign staff deserve some credit, but the MSM is the real star of the show. By using redirection, deception and obfuscation the MSM was able to hide the truth of what really occurred during her speech.
What America Was Shown
Carefully watch the first three minutes of the broadcast event:
What Really Happened
Independent reporters Tim Pool and Cassandra Fairbanks captured the action:
Tim Pool @Timcast
Loud booing all over as #HillaryClinton begins speaking at #DNCinPHL#DemsinPhilly
[See video at Oath Keepers]
Tim Pool @Timcast
BREAKING: MORE protesters being thrown out of the #DemConvention#DemsInPhilly
[See video at Oath Keepers]
BREAKING: Protesters just stormed the DNC Booing #HillaryClinton
[See video at Oath Keepers]
Cassandra Fairbanks @CassandraRules
California delegates are walking out mid Clinton speech
[See video at Oath Keepers]
Cassandra Fairbanks @CassandraRules
Delegates: “every time you hear them chanting Hillary it’s because Bernie supporters are chanting ‘no more war.'”
Notice the nice soundtrack inserted to cover-up the loud booing in the MSM coverage until security can remove the offenders. At the 0:30 and again at the 2:07 time-mark in the MSM coverage there are short slip-ups where the real audio comes back on and the loud booing can be heard. The real audio is quickly shut-down so only the music soundtrack is heard. Also, look at all the happy smiling faces welcoming Hillary to the stage. We see no dissent, no signs or banners that say “LIAR”, “#WikiLeaks” and “No TPP”. Bill Clinton is wide awake with an adoring smile, not sleeping. All of this is hidden. The potential disrupters have been pre-assigned to specific arena areas out of sight of the MSM cameras. Once the booing and protests start, the lights in the offending areas are turned off and the perpetrators escorted out.
Magic …
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About NavyJack:
I enlisted in the USN in 1977 and was honorably discharged in 1986. During my service I deployed on various platforms, including submarines, amphibious assault ships and special boats. I participated in expeditionary and humanitarian missions to the North Atlantic, Iran, Beirut, Libya, and the Caribbean. After leaving the U.S. Navy I went to work for a fairly large DoD contrator. I became President of that company in 1993. In 2002, I founded a Internet service company and I am currently the CEO of that company. I am a Patron Life Member of the NRA. I am a Oath Keeper Life Member. I have worked diligently to defend the Bill of Rights and have testified many times before various legislative committees.