A Girl & A Gun Cadre Grows with USCCA

USCCA Girl and a gun
The USCCA and A Girl and A Gun have teamed up. IMG A Girl and A Gun

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League (AG & AG) announces its official partnership with the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA). The agreement aligns USCCA — a leading provider of firearms training and education — with AG & AG, the nation’s premier women’s organization.

“For the past several years, we have encouraged our Chapter Facilitators to earn their USCCA instructor credentials. We have many instructors in our organization who have seized the opportunity — and now we have fourteen more,” said Robyn Sandoval, Executive Director of AG & AG.

Sandoval was one of fourteen AG & AG instructors from nine different states who recently traveled to West Bend, WI, to become certified to present the USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals coursework. By successfully completing the course, the instructors may use the materials to educate the growing numbers of enthusiastic gun owners in their home communities. AG & AG has scheduled three additional USCCA instructor-level courses, as well as dozens of student-level courses, throughout 2022.

“We are proud to officially partner with USCCA and to bring more of their industry-leading curriculum and services to our members and their communities,” Sandoval said. “Our organizations have a shared mission of providing quality training to help responsibly armed citizens protect their families.”

USCCA will also be a Diamond Sponsor at the 10th Annual AG & AG National Conference in April 2022. Three USCCA instructor teams will be on-site to teach pistol and rifle courses to more than 300 AG & AG members during the event.

AG & AG members can take advantage of USCCA’s online classes and legal resources. AG & AG members receive 15% off any USCCA membership by visiting the members’ Vendor Partner page.


About A Girl & A Gun

A Girl & A Gun (AG & AG) is a membership organization whose events have been successful stepping stones for thousands of women into the shooting community and fostered their love of shooting with caring and qualified instructors to coach them. AG & AG breaks barriers for women and girls in the area of self-defense and in pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooting sports by welcoming beginners to learn the basics of safe and accurate shooting and providing experienced shooters with advanced-level opportunities. The club has members in 48 states and hosts recurring Girl’s Nights Out at more than 190 ranges throughout the nation.

A Girl & A Gun Women's Shooting League