Lilly, a 7-year-old girl from North Texas, killed her first deer while hunting with her dad, Cory Klapper, and her priceless reaction was captured on video.
Klapper said his daughter has been shooting since the age of five.
“We have a passion for the outdoors, and it was primarily intended to be for family and friends,” Klapper said of the video he shared on social media. “But now that it has had 1.4 million views, I hope that it inspires other parents to get their children into the outdoors.”
Of course, there was some negativity in response to the video, but Klapper sent a clear warning beforehand.
“I respect and understand that this video may not be for everyone,” Klapper wrote in the Facebook post with the video. “If you think that you might be offended by this video that has my daughter shooting a deer with a modern hunting rifle please keep scrolling.”
Despite some negative reactions, Klapper stands firm and said he believes teaching gun safety at a young age is important.
[ Fox News ]
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