2A Flashmob Patches Reloaded – Get Yours Today FREE

Note: this is a privately funded initiative by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, so on occasion we may run out of patches, but we will do our best to fill all orders as soon as we can in the order received. Additional sponsors Welcome.

2A Flashmob Patch
2A Flashmob Patch
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Thanks to a big donor and believer in the RKBA, 2A Flashmob Patches are back in-stock and we are shipping them fast.

Join the 2A Flashmob! Get a FREE patch when you stand up to gun grabbers and take a stand for your Second Amendment Rights!

The 2A Flashmob is a short notice brigade of defenders of the Constitution of the Untied States, Bill of Rights and specifically the Second Amendment, who, on short notice much like their forefathers in the “Minutemen“, either through social media, state or national pro gun organizations or on sites like ammoland.com, read about an action in need of boots on the ground and put their daily lives on hold to stand-tall and defend the Constitution.

2A FlashMob Patch
2A FlashMob Patch

2A Flashmob member’s are the people like you and me, people who get off their couches, take time off from work, and spend their free hours fighting to push back against progressives and liberals who working to gut the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.

If this sounds like you then you may already be eligible for a FREE 2A Flashmob Patch in honor of your efforts.

To get your patch, follow the easy instruction on this page here: ammoland.com/2a-flashmob-patches/



A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.