25 Years of Training; Truth Squad in Action & a Shield Rebate – This Week on Gun Talk

Mandeville, LA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Celebrating 25 years – and some upgrades coming soon – at Shootrite in Alabama. Plus, the Truth Squad in action, a new Smith & Wesson rebate you won’t want to miss, and more, this week on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk® Radio, the original nationally-syndicated talk show about guns and the shooting sports.

Shootrite Firearms Academy’s Tiger McKee knows a thing or two about training, and just in time for Shootrite’s 25th Anniversary.

He’s fine-tuning the academy’s classes and skill sets, adding a new range, classroom and larger shop, updating the website, and more! Tune in to hear about all the updates coming for 2020.

Liston Matthews, of Good Hill Press, talks with Tom about his Truth Squad Victory at a bank located inside of a WalMart: www.goodhillpress.com/2019/06/fsnb-bank-changes-gun-policy.html. Also, a Thompson/Center range report, and information on the Tennessee Firearms Association (www.tennesseefirearms.com)!

Plus, if you have ever wanted own a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield – Now is definitely the time. Matt Spafford with Smith & Wesson drops in to discuss the newest rebate: Purchase the M&P 9 Shield, Performance Center M&P 9 Shield, or the M&P 380 Shield EZ, submit the rebate form, and receive a $50 pre-paid gift card. Get your Shield now at https://snp.link/2b1de1df.

Have you always wanted to enter to win a Gun Talk giveaway, but couldn’t just because of your address? Enter Gun Talk’s “Legal Everywhere” Giveaway, Presented by Timney Triggers, for your chance to win a prize pack from Axeon Optics, Colt, CrossBreed Holsters, DeSantis Holsters, Propper, Timney Triggers, and Walther Arms worth more than $7,300! Prizes include guns, holsters, optics, gift cards, tactical clothing, range bags, triggers, and more. The giveaway ends on Friday, November 1st, at 12:00 pm Eastern. Enter at www.guntalk.com/win.

As always, call in to 866-TALK-GUN with your comments, questions, and range reports.

Gun Talk RadioIn its 23rd year of national syndication, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk® radio show airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on more than 266 stations every week. Listen on a radio station near you (http://bit.ly/GTRstation) or via live streaming (http:/ /bit.ly/GTRstream). All Gun Talk shows can also be downloaded as podcasts at http://bit.ly/GTRpodcast, Apple iTunes, and i-Heart radio, or through one of the available Apps: GunDealio on iPhone, GunDealio on Android, and the Gun Talk App on Stitcher. Gun Talk is also available on YouTube, (http://bit.ly/GTRYT), Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, and www.guntalk.com.

(“Gun Talk” is a registered trademark.)

The post 25 Years of Training; Truth Squad in Action & a Shield Rebate – This Week on Gun Talk appeared first on AmmoLand.com.