2016 Idaho Legislative Session Starts Next Week!

2016 Idaho Legislative Session Starts Next Week!
2016 Idaho Legislative Session Starts Next Week!
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Canyon County, ID -(AmmoLand.com)- Are you ready to have Constitutional Carry in Idaho?! We sure are and we know that 10’s of thousands of citizens across Idaho have been asking for it for years.

The time is NOW for the Idaho legislature to pass Constitutional/Permitless Carry!

There can’t be another state that beats Idaho in this important step to restoring the 2nd Amendment. This is a VERY VOLATILE time in our nation’s history.. Pres. Obama this week will announce new un-Constitutional Executive Orders aimed at curbing the 2nd Amendment rights of U.S. citizens like you just as we are trying to restore them. Never have we had a dictatorial U.S. President like President Obama.

While the national battle rages, right here IN IDAHO we are also battling for the 2nd Amendment! This battle is one that you have a direct impact on. Your contributions, time, phone calls, emails, and other efforts make a DIRECT IMPACT right here in Idaho!!! You are the grassroots that we need in supporting our organization.

As the session begins next week we will have an unprecedented effort to pass Constitutional Carry. Once the bill is put forward and the process begins, that is your time to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD to your elected officials. Whether it is testifying in a hearing, making a few phone calls, or emailing your legislators, you have to TAKE ACTION!!!

Here are some important steps you can take to make sure you are ready for this session:

1. Know who your legislators are. You can look them up by going to https://legislature.idaho.gov/who’smylegislator.htm

2. Make sure you are checking your emails frequently during the session. We will increase our alerts during the session and you need to be ready for important action items. Sometimes action items need to be done within hours!

3. Make sure to prepare yourself for the rally at the Capitol in February! It is coming up fast and we have to show the nation that Idahoans care deeply about their 2nd Amendment rights! Details here: https://www.idahosaa.org/2015/12/05/larry-pratt-russ-fulcher-wayne-hoffman-to-speak-at-gun-rally.

4. It is a new year and the ISAA has the session, primary election season, and the general election season to prepare for and we need all the help we can get. Your generous contribution of $100, $50, or even $25 will go a long way to building this group to the strongest grassroots group in Idaho!

Please go to www.idahosaa.org/donate today and TAKE ACTION!


Greg Pruett
President, ISAA

P.S. During the month of January we will be giving away a 2 oz silver bullet/casing (REPLICA)!!! Anyone who joins our standard memberships, donates $25 or more (1 entry for every $25), or refers (1 entry for each referral) a friend to join or donate will be entered in to win!! Contest ends on January 31st, 2016 at 11:59 p.m.

Go to www.idahosaa.org and join or donate today!

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance exists to fight for the 2nd Amendment rights of all Idaho citizens. Even in a gun friendly State like Idaho, the 2nd Amendment is under constant threat.

For more information, visit: www.idahosaa.org.