2011 NJ Elections, Your Legislators & the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

2011 NJ Elections, Your Legislators & the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

TRENTON, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- NOTE: The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Conservation Foundation, and the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects are the ONLY fishing, hunting, conservation advocacy group that focuses on improving the outdoors experience for people in New Jersey.

We do this through advancing sensible environmental public policy and legislation, as well as electioneering.

The three NJOA organizations work to educate New Jersey legislators and policy makers about the important economic and environmental contributions by anglers and hunters. Our focus is New Jersey, which means that 100% of your dues go towards protecting YOUR freedoms to fish and hunt, and not on those living in other states. We are also all volunteer, which means the first dollar of your dues – as well as the last dollar – are spent on the issues important to you and not on salaries, benefits, and expense accounts.

Thank you for your support of the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance.

It is election time again. It means that you have the opportunity to show your legislators whether you approve of their positions on issues that affect fishing, hunting, healthy forests and clean waters. Remember, healthy ecosystems and conservation of natural resources are the foundation for healthy fish and wildlife populations.

This year, Instead of ranking legislators the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance will take an inclusive approach and highlight those who have demonstrated a commitment to our natural environment and your right to enjoy it. Our goal is to encourage all legislators to join in this commitment. Having all of New Jersey’s legislators and policy makers involved in protecting our environment and supporting our freedoms to fish and hunt is the objective of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen. We will provide you with the means to contact your legislators and encourage them to become involved in the outdoors issues that are important to YOU – the constituent!

ONE: Two months ago the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance sent each incumbent legislator, and candidate, a comprehensive questionnaire seeking their position on matters specific to fishing, hunting, wildlife management and environmental stewardship.

The following topics were covered:

  • – Support for the removal of commercial gear from the reefs
  • – Support for use of forestry management to ensure healthy habitat
  • – Consideration for joining the NJ Angling & Hunting Conservation Caucus
  • – Support for maintaining the current structure of Fish & Game Council
  • – Support for increased funding for marine fisheries management
  • – Support for game management as a tool for environmental stewardship
  • – Support for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to fish and hunt

Below are the legislators who support these issues and took the time to respond to this important questionnaire:

Senator Van Drew
Assemblyman Albano
Assemblyman Milam

Senator Whelan
Assemblyman Polistina
Assemblyman Amodeo

Senator Sweeney
Assemblywoman Riley
Assemblyman Burzichelli
Assemblyman DiCicco

Assembly Candidate Tony Celeste

Senator Norcross
Assemblyman Wilson
Assemblyman Fuentes
Candidate for Senate Keith Walker
Candidate for Assembly William

Candidate for Senate Philip Mitsch
Candidate for Assembly Greg Horton

Senator Connors
Assemblyman Rumpf
Assemblywoman Gove

Assemblyman Rible
Assemblyman Angelini
Candidate for Senate Raymond Santiago
Candidate for Assembly Vin Gopal

Assemblyman Thompson

Assemblyman DeAngelo
Assemblyman Benson

Candidate for Assembly Peter Yull

Senator Smith

Candidate for Senate Gloria Dittman
Assemblyman Barnes
Assemblyman Diegnan

Assemblyman Coughlin

Candidate for Senate Helen Rosales

Candidate for Assembly Jeffrey First

Assemblyman Peterson
Candidate for Assembly Karen Carroll

Senator Oroho
Assemblyman Chiusano
Assemblywoman McHose
Candidate for Assembly Jim Nye

Assemblyman Bucco

Assemblyman DeCroce
Candidate for Assembly Elliot Isibor

Assemblyman T. Kean
Candidate for Assembly Shaun O’Rourke

Assemblyman O’Donnell

Assemblyman Ramos

Assemblyman Giblin

Assemblyman Ryan

New Jersey has 40 legislative Districts and three legislators per District. If your legislator(s) is missing please call them and ask that they respond to the Questionnaire. There is a good chance that they do not understand the importance of conservation, or perhaps they don’t support your freedom to fish and hunt. They may not actively be working for healthy forests and waters. Let them know that you would like their position on record by completing the Questionnaire.

To call your legislator and ask that they complete and return the NJOA Questionnaire go to the link that follows to find their contact information:


  • Then click on your town
  • Then click on your District to find your representatives and their phone numbers

TWO:  New Jersey Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus

The NJ Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus (NJAHCC) is a bi-partisan, bi-cameral group formed to address outdoor issues in the state legislature. The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance was instrumental in the formation of the caucus. The mission of the caucus is as follows:

  • – To promote practices of conservation and environmental stewardship of our state lands and waters
  • – To support efforts to enhance habitat management for wildlife and fisheries
  • – To ensure that all New Jersey outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen have reasonable access to public lands to enjoy outdoor pursuits
  • – To highlight the importance of fishing, hunting and conservation activities to our state’s economic and environmental well-being and support the maintenance and growth of these activities
  • – To safeguard the investment of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen in wildlife and fisheries management

The following legislators are Caucus Members. This means they actively promote YOUR ability to fish and hunt. It also means they actively work to advance environmental health as a means of supporting habitat for fish and wildlife populations.

  • Senator Donald Norcross D (Co Chair)
  • Senator Steven Oroho R (Co Chair)
  • Senator Steve Sweeney D
  • Senator James Beech D
  • Senator Phil Haines R
  • Senator Jeff Van Drew D
  • Senator Anthony Bucco R
  • Senator Sean Kean R
  • Senator Bob Smith D
  • Senator Robert Singer R
  • Senator Joseph Kyrillos R
  • Senator Jennifer Beck R
  • Senator Michael Doherty R
  • Assemblyman John Burzichelli D (Co Chair)
  • Assemblyman Gary Chiusano R (Co Chair)
  • Assemblyman Matt Milam D
  • Assemblyman Scott Rudder R
  • Assemblywoman Dawn Marie Addiego R
  • Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon R
  • Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini R
  • Assemblyman Dave Rible R
  • Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo D
  • Assemblyman Peter Biondi R
  • Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande R
  • Assemblyman Scott Rumana R
  • Assemblyman Anthony Bucco R
  • Assemblyman Nelson Albano D

If your legislator is missing, call them and ask them if they will become a member of the New Jersey Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus.

Go to the link that follows to find your legislators and their contact information: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp

  • Then click on your town
  • Then click on your District to find your representatives and their phone numbers

We will update this message until the day before the 2011 General Election. Election Day is November 8, 2011. For a complete list of candidates visit: https://vote-nj.org/Election.aspx?State=NJ&Election=NJ20111108OA

For more information about the upcoming election visit: https://vote-nj.org/


Anthony P. Mauro
Sr. Chairman,
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”

JOIN NJOA: https://www.njoutdooralliance.org/support/njoa.html

NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: www.njoutdooralliance.org