1000’s of Iowa Gun Owners Apply for Carry Permits

1000’s of Iowa Gun Owners Apply for Carry Permits Under New Laws

AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Iowa –-(Ammoland.com)- January 1st marked the first day Iowa officially became a shall carry state. Under the new law, permits to carry weapons only can be denied if the applicant is a felon or if they have been through some sort of mental health commitment process.

Previously, Iowa sheriffs had the discretion to deny permits if a background check turned up something of concern, such as a history of substance abuse. Applicants also had to meet shooting qualifications.

Now that those restrictions are gone, interest in obtaining permits to carry weapons, which no longer mandate the gun be concealed, has reached an all time high in just one day.

Multiple reports have long lines at every sheriff office in Iowa.

“The only reason people would be shocked is due to the simple fact that our rights have been stomped on for so long, we’ve forgotten what it means to exercise them. But again, that is no different than the battles that took place in every other state that went down this path before Iowa. Furthermore, most law-abiding citizens prefer to carry their weapons concealed, so how would people even be alarmed by seeing a “loaded pistol” when that pistol is properly concealed? Said Des Moines Gun Rights Examiner, Sean McClanahan

Some local officials, prompted by concerns over the new law, are considering measures to prohibit the possession of guns in courthouses, city halls and other government property. Supervisors in Buchanan and Washington counties are among those working on bans.

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office issued a letter to county attorneys this past week that clarified such local measures would not be in violation of the state law. It does not “bar a city or county from regulating firearms on the city or county’s own property,” the letter said.

But most Iowans are happy to see the expansion of rights and easing of oppressive firearms carry laws in the state.