1 Week Until Elections – Learn Who Supports Your Gun Rights

1 Week Until Elections – Learn Who Supports Your Gun Rights

Iowa Gun Owners
Iowa Gun Owners

Iowa--(Ammoland.com)- There is much to update you on in the fight for our gun rights in light of the upcoming elections.

Over the next week, Iowa Gun Owners will be highlighting various state level campaigns and informing you as to who supports gun rights, who is opposing your gun rights, and who refuses to go on the record.

Members of Iowa Gun Owners will be receiving detailed information in the mail regarding the candidates in their House and Senate districts.

But for those who are not members, this article will assist you in learning more about the results of our survey program in Iowa.

Please feel free to forward links to this article to your friends, family, and shooting buddies so that everyone will know who’s pro-gun and who is not.

Keep reading below for the first round of candidates we are highlighting.

In this update we will focus on the NW to North Central portion of the state – specifically on contested races.

The 2010 Gun Rights Candidate Survey consists of 8 simple questions that poll candidates on REAL Right-to-Carry, the repeal of Iowa’s permit-to-purchase, a true Stand-your-Ground bill, opposition to banning semi-auto weapons, support of the Firearms Freedom Act, and more.

If a candidate won’t put their beliefs on paper then you and I have every reason to expect an aggressive anti-gun vote to be cast by that candidate if elected.

  • In House District 1 (Sioux City area)
    Jeremy Taylor is a candidate that has answered our Gun Rights Candidate Survey 100%. This means that he supports REAL Right-to-Carry and the other bills mentioned above. He has publicly pledged to be a supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

    His opposition, David Dawson, has not completed the survey. More than that, Dawson refused to even accept the survey from the Post Office! Clearly he would be an aggressive anti-gun vote based on this action. Feel free to call Dawson at (712) 898-5804 and let him know what you think of his refusal to complete the survey.

    In House District 2 (Sioux City area)
    Cate Bryan was quick to complete the Gun Rights Candidate Survey way back in May when she was engaged in a three-way primary. Bryan has promised to co-sponsor all IGO legislation if elected and was very willing to discuss the issue with representatives of Iowa Gun Owners.

    Her opposition, Chris Hall, would not complete the survey. Even after IGO members in the district contacted him seeking his views on the 2nd Amendment, we’ve yet to receive any answer from Hall. This should tell you all you need to know about the way Hall will vote regarding gun rights if elected. Let him know your thoughts on this by calling him at (712) 490-2088.

    In Senate District 1 (Sioux City area)
    Rick Bertrand met with representatives of IGO months ago to pledge his strong support for the gun rights of law abiding Iowans. He has pledged to sponsor IGO legislation and we applaud him for this position.

    Rick Bertrand is being opposed by Rick Mullin. Mullin, who has refused to complete the Gun Rights Candidate Survey, is a danger to gun rights and can be contacted by emailing rick@mullinforiowa.com.

    In House District 7 (areas around West Bend, Emmetsburg, and Estherville)
    Iowa Gun Owners was pleased to meet with Lannie Miller in his home in West Bend. Lannie grew up around weapons and has a high regard for the 2nd Amendment. He too has pledged his 100% support by completing the survey with all pro-gun answers.

    Unfortunately, his opponent, John Wittneben, refuses to answer the Iowa Gun Owners survey. Members in this district have tried to contact him about his refusal, but as of yet, no survey has been completed by Wittneben. In a rural, pro-gun area like this, this refusal is especially disappointing. Wittneben can be contacted at (712) 362-4797.

    In House District 8 (areas around Algona, Humboldt, and Pocohontas)
    This race has been especially fun for Iowa Gun Owners. Tom Shaw sought out IGO last session when he heard about our ongoing fight at the Capitol to reform Iowa’s gun laws. Tom’s support of the 2nd Amendment is deep and strong. As a small town Police Chief, Tom knows that criminals will always find weapons and that citizens need to have the means of self-defense in case they are attacked. IGO was active in the Primary campaign that Tom ran against an anti-gun opponent. In fact, the Iowa Gun Owners PAC was so impressed with Tom that they endorsed Tom and gave him a substantial campaign contribution.

    Susan Bangert is running against Tom, and despite multiple contacts from the members of IGO she refuses to complete our survey. Not only that, Susan refers to Shaw’s views on the 2nd Amendment as “extremist.” Clearly she would be a very anti-gun vote if elected. Susan can be contacted at (515) 295-9505.

    In Senate District 25 (the larger Fort Dodge area)
    Chris McGonegle met with Iowa Gun Owners and was happy to complete the survey. We are pleased with his replies and trust that he’ll be a strong pro-gun vote if elected.

    Daryl Beall, on the other hand, refuses to answer the survey. Beall really wants to be considered pro-gun. He’s tried to talk pro-gun and act pro-gun….but he won’t complete the survey and he voted against REAL Right-to-Carry on the Senate floor last session. You can contact Beall at (515)573-7889.

    In House District 49 (Fort Dodge)
    Matt Alcazar has been a friend to IGO for some time now. After initially running as an Independent, Alcazar is now the GOP candidate in this district. Matt quickly completed the Gun Rights Candidate Survey. IGO members who came to the June ‘Freedom Rally’ had a chance to speak with Matt who was in attendance – and if you were lucky, you got a chance to shoot his new rifle!

    Helen Miller, unfortunately, will not complete the survey. She, too, has had IGO members calling her to do the survey, but as of yet, refuses to tell the voters in HD49 where she stands. Call Miller at (515) 570-3535 and expresses your frustration if you wish.

    That’s all for today’s update. Tomorrow we will focus on some races in the NE part of the State.

    Please feel free to forward these around.

    If you want to help Iowa Gun Owners spread the word to 1000’s of gun rights activists in the State, and to help us ensure a pro-gun majority in the House next legislative session, please go to our website located at www.IowaGunOwners.org

    Iowa Gun Owners (IGO) was formed in January of 2009 to combat the oppressive gun laws in the State of Iowa. IGO does not believe that you, as a law abiding citizen, should have to beg permission from the government to be able to defend yourself and your family. That’s why we are working so hard to get a Vermont/Alaska style carry law passed in Iowa. In these states, unless you are a convicted felon or otherwise barred from possessing weapons, you don’t need a permit to carry a gun for self-defense! Join us now! Visit: www.iowagunowners.org